
Meditation has been a tool I’ve used ever since I started struggling with agoraphobia back in my early twenties. I would listen to Louise Hay affirmation recordings, or various hypnosis meditations overnight (hoping to ‘cure’ myself of my fears), because sitting in stillness without guidance was a concept that didn’t appeal to me. I was terrified of the idea of being alone with my racing thoughts.
Over the years, my practice evolved - sometimes I came to a cushion on the ground, cross-legged and ready to simply sit with myself, other times my meditations involved intuitive movements or even long walks, mantra practices, or drawing and journaling. In 2021 I began my studies to become a meditation teacher - I wanted to be able to help those with anxiety and body-based fears to find a way to a meditation practice that is easy, accessible, and not overwhelming in any way.

Here you can listen to my guided meditation recordings. More movement-based meditation practices will be added soon, so please check back from time to time.

Grounding Meditation To Support Anxiety

Meeting Your Future Self - A Guided Visualisation

Sun Meditation - Guided Relaxation for Anxiety, Tension and Stress